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A spectacular all LIVE music and singing orchestral-choir-rock-concert of some of the greatest rock anthems from the last seven decades! Arthaus presents ROCKWIRED at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, 4 & 5 November. The Palace String Orchestra together with a 55-piece choir and some of Malta’s best rock voices – Chris Grech, Klinsmann, Neville Refalo, Andre’ Portelli, Dion Farrell, Stephanie Chetcuti, Dorothy Borg Bonnici, Rachel Grech, Natassja Chapman, Jodi Zerafa Heckenlaible, and many other brilliant vocalists.

We can’t wait to show you what we have in store!

#festivalsmalta #visitmalta #rocknmalta #exploremore #rockwired

Artistic Director: Stefania Grech Vella
Musical Director: Ryan Paul Abela
Choir Director: Claire McCartin

The project is supported by Festivals Malta through the Rock’N Malta Fund.

#ROCKWIRED ‘23 will be remembered for years to come! Don’t miss it!


For questions about tickets, or technical queries, please contact [email protected]